Exciting News from MEDMAIL!



Here are some updates on what we have been doing at MEDMAIL recently. We are now moving towards health and wellness programs and disease state management. 

What does this mean to you?

For those suffering from chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, arthritis,... it is important to know that besides taking medications regularly, being mindful of your body, mind, nutrition and supplement intake are crucial aspects towards your wellness. 

For healthy individuals, keeping good nutrition and supplements and mindfulness helps you stay healthy and be proactive in avoiding chronic conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, etc. as much as possible.

We will be talking more about these in our blogs and videos, make sure to check our blog frequently!

We are now excited to let you know that you can have access to variety of supplements through MEDMAIL website. Simply click on services tab on top of the page, Vitamin/Supplements link will take you to our partner screen where you can purchase all your supplements and they will be directly shipped to your door step. Feel free to ask us any questions you might have on the supplements and your condition.

We also now have homeopathic medicine available on MEDMAIL website that you can easily order. You will find these products under services tab.

As always, as your trusted pharmacists, my team and I are available for any questions you might have regarding your medication regimen, health and nutrition.

We would love to hear back from you, please send your comments and questions and we will make sure to respond to every one of them.



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