MEDMAIL is a pharmacy with unique services which makes it attractive to anyone specifically  those who have chronic conditions and use multiple medications.

Aside from dispensing and delivering medications to our clients we do provide specific services which are not common in a typical pharmacy.

* You might have heard about personalized medicine or precision medicine. It is based on drug related genetic testing. At MEDMAIL we provide revolutionary Drug-Gene test to identify the genetic reasons, when medications don’t work properly in the body and/ or they cause unwanted effects, and optimize medication therapy based on results. 

* Another unique service is Medication Therapy Management where our pharmacists will sit down with our clients or their caregivers, review their medications, provide easy to read personalized medical record, provide medication related action plan, make referrals or interventions with appropriate documentations and follow up.

* If language or cultural barrier is your concern we have access to multilingual pharmacists from different backgrounds who provide help to our clients in their mother tongue .

* Distance is not an issue. We offer Telehealth option so that our pharmacists can meet with clients via secure platform over the internet and provide their services if required.

Our mission is to help our clients and the people around them less worried of their medications and more enjoy their lives.

Our services are individually provided so even if a client is already using another pharmacy as provider of medications, they may still use our Drug-Gene testing, MTM or our multilingual pharmacist services.

We will be happy to discuss and find out about your needs and how we can serve you. Call us at 905-237-6360 or Click here to set up an appointment to meet personally or via video chat!

Free Consultation